Launching Yellow Nineties 2.0
❦ Y90s Dataset on LINCS
Yellow Nineties 2.0 collaborates with the Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship (LINCS) project directed by Dr. Susan Brown, Canada Research Chair in Collaborative Digital Scholarship at the University of Guelph. LINCS provides the tools and infrastructure to make humanities data more discoverable, searchable, and shareable. Yellow Nineties 2.0 has converted its Personography, which is structured in linked open data, for ingestion into the LINCS triplestore. The Y90s Personography is a searchable biographical database of the persons and publishers who contributed to the eight late-Victorian little magazines remediated on Y90s 2.0. Users can explore and manipulate the Y90s dataset to discover relationships of people and networks across magazine titles as well as other datasets in the LINCS Research Space here: Yellow Nineties Dataset on LINCS.

Detail: Paul Woodroffe, “Endpapers,” The Venture, Vol. 1. 1903.