Launching Yellow Nineties 2.0
❦ Y90s Symposium
Thursday, April 18th from 9:30am – 5:00pm
Coffee available at 9:00am
TMU Library 4th floor
Launching Yellow Nineties 2.0: A Symposium & Celebration marks the completion of Yellow Nineties 2.0, an internationally acclaimed resource for the study of late-Victorian little magazines of art and literature. To celebrate this official launch, Toronto Metropolitan University’s Centre for Digital Humanities is hosting a hybrid Symposium on 18 April 2024 on the fourth floor of the Library, next to Archives & Special Collections.
The morning session will consist of two roundtables in which people who’ve contributed to Yellow Nineties 2.0 over the years will discuss its collaborative creation and open-access support of interdisciplinary research and teaching. An afternoon keynote by Dr. Constance Crompton, Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities at the University of Ottawa, will address sustainable methods of “preserving what we’ve made” for the long-term accessibility of users around the world. An interactive session (in-person only) on Y90s Research Creation led by book artist and Y90s Project Manager Reg Beatty and textile artist and doctoral student Azadeh Monzavi will conclude the Symposium.
Azadeh Monzavi’s The Yellow Art Piece (2023) will be on display for viewing in the Archives and Special Collections Reading Room on the day of the Symposium.
In conjunction with the Yellow Nineties launch and celebration, Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries, Archives & Special Collections are hosting an Exhibition. The Yellow ’90s: Art for Art’s Sake in Print showcases the collection of late-Victorian little magazines TMU Libraries acquired in support of the Y90s digital project. Attendees of the launch can view the display in the cases near the entrance to the Archives & Special Collections Reading Room on the Library’s 4th floor, adjacent to the Symposium.

Detail: Lucien Pissarro, “The Queen of the Fishes,” The Pageant, Vol. 2. 1897.