Launching Yellow Nineties 2.0
❦ Y90s Research Team, Collaborators, and Credits
Y90s 2.0 Research Team (2016-2024)
The Yellow Nineties project has trained over two dozen students in digital humanities methods and TEI editing. The Y90s site credits each of these research assistants for their contribution to specific digital editions and affordances. The list below acknowledges the core Y90s research team who worked together throughout the pandemic and beyond to complete Yellow Nineties 2.0 in anticipation of its launch.
Reg Beatty, TMU Centre for Digital Humanities: Project Manager and Designer
Emma Fraschetti, TMU English BA, MA: Research Assistant
Marion Tempest Grant, TMU English BA, MA; York University and TMU Joint Doctoral Program in Communication and Culture: Research Assistant
Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Professor of English, CDH Founding Co-Director: Principal Investigator
Rebecca Martin, TMU MA: Research Assistant
Sarah Pennington, TMU MA: Research Assistant
Alex Pospisil, TMU MA: Research Assistant
Y90s Collaborators (2016-2024)
Jason Boyd, Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for Digital Humanities
Koenraad Claes, Anglia-Ruskin University
Alison Hedley, Toronto Metropolitan University Centre for Digital Humanities
Leslie Howsam, University of Windsor
Christopher Keep, Western University
Frederick King, Dalhousie University
MJ Suhonos, Toronto Metropolitan University Library
Acknowledgements and Credits
Yellow Nineties 2.0 gratefully acknowledges the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (Linda H. Peterson Fellowship); LINCS (Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship); and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Centre for Digital Humanities, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, Library, and Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. Special thanks are due to TMU Library’s Archives & Special Collections for acquiring complete print runs of 6 of the 8 little magazines remediated on Yellow Nineties 2.0, and to Mark Samuels Lasner, who supplied digital scans of materials in his collection at the University of Delaware Libraries, Museums, and Press.

Detail: Charles Shannon, “Delia,” The Dial, Vol. 4. 1896.