Fraser's Magazine
Published 1830-1882. Monthly. Modelled after its chief competitor, Blackwood’s as a miscellany ‘with a strikingly diverse, even playfully wide range of articles’. Published from 1847 by J. W. Parker; the historian J.A. Froude became editor in 1860. (See DNCJ, where all quotations appear, for further information and references to additional sources; online edition ProQuest British Periodicals.)
Carlyle, Thomas.“THOUGHTS ON HISTORY.” Fraser’s Magazine, 2, no. 10: (November 1830): 413–18.
This article discusses historical philosophy and characterizes history as philosophy teaching by experience; this experience must be intelligibly recorded. A brief discussion of the different types of history is also incorporated: the history of medicine, politics, church history, astronomy, etc. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Heraud, John Abraham.“SACRED HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Vol 1.” Fraser’s Magazine, 6, no. 33: (October 1832): 329–41.
Reviews the second edition of Sharon Turner’s Sacred History of the World (published Longman 1832). Throughout this article is a discussion of religion and natural history. Also discussed is the creation of plant life, animals and man according to religious history. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“Taylor’s History of the Civil Wars in Ireland, from the Anglo- Norman Invasion Till the Union of the Country with Great Britain.” Fraser’s Magazine, 8, no. 46: (October 1833): 385–95.
Author is W.C. Taylor; book published 1831.
Reynolds, John Hamilton.“HINTS FOR A HISTORY OF HIGHWAYMEN.” Fraser’s Magazine, 9, no. 51: (March 1834): 279–87.
This article discusses highwaymen and other criminals and suggests that a full history of English highwaymen should be written. Discussed are people such as Robin Hood, Jenny Diver, Nathaniel Hawes and Major George Strangwayes. {attribution Curran Index}.
“Universal History. the Earliest Ages (Vol 1 of 4).” Fraser’s Magazine, 10, no. 56: (August 1834): 210–21.
Author is Alexander Fraser Tytler (Lord Woodhouselee); published in John Murray’s Family Library.
“HISTORY OF CORPORATIONS.” Fraser’s Magazine, 11, no. 63: (March 1835): 309–25.
Review of a History of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom, by Henry A. Merewether et al (Stevens & Sons 1835) with comments on Francis Palgrave’s Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth (John Murray 1832). Discusses the creation of order through individuals or corporations. A main theme is the evolution of law and the groups that have enforced the law. The author discusses law under the Romans, Saxons and the English.
Heraud, John Abraham.“Mr. Sharon Turner’s Sacred History of the World. Vol 2.” Fraser’s Magazine, 11, no. 65: (May 1835): 497–507.
Book published 1834. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“SCOTTISH ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY.” Fraser’s Magazine, 12, no. 72: (December 1835): 651–64.
The author argues that ecclesiastical history is not a very inviting subject of study and that ‘not one man in a hundred, even of those who are presumed to be well read, knows any thing at all about the matter.’ The author gives an ecclesiastical history of Scotland, beginning with the period of ‘Romish domination’. Issues of concern are the Reformation, religious persecution and Episcopacy which ended in 1688.
McSkimmin, Samuel.“SECRET HISTORY OF THE IRISH INSURRECTION OF 1803.” Fraser’s Magazine, 14, no. 83: (November 1836): 546–67.
Article offers information that goes beyond a numerical account of those who died during this event, beginning with events that occurred before the insurrection; a plot for liberation was in the works in the autumn of 1798. Also discussed are those involved, including Thomas Russel, William Dowdall and William Hamilton. The tactics and fate of these men are also discussed. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Railroads: Their Past History, Present Condition, and Future Prospects.” Fraser’s Magazine, 17, no. 100: (April 1838): 421–32.
First of two parts looks at the past of railways in Great Britain, focusing mostly on construction techniques. Second part in the July issue concerns contemporary matters.
“THE HISTORY AND MYSTERY OF SECRET SOCIETIES, AND SECRET POLITICAL CLUBS (1).” Fraser’s Magazine, 21, no. 125: (May 1840): 542–53.
First of two parts of an article dedicated to researching secret societies from countries all over Europe, including the Illumines in Germany, Die Geisterseher in Sweden, the Rue St. Nicaise in France and the Tungend Bund. Also discussed are questions of how these groups influenced historical events and why they were formed, as well as their various branches of these groups.
“Milman’s History of Christianity.” Fraser’s Magazine, 21, no. 126: (June 1840): [633]-647.
Review of Rev. H.H. Milman; The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire (3vols. Published John Murray 1840). The work is characterized as ‘rather a bulky appendix to Gibbon.’
“Ranke’s History of the Popes of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.” Fraser’s Magazine, 22, no. 128: (August 1840): [127]-142.
Unlike slipshod works from modern British authors and publishers, this work by Leopold von Ranke (trans. Sarah Austen; published John Murray 1840) is solid and intends to be fair and impartial, but is unfortunately ‘tainted with the modern leprosy of liberalism’. Reviewer’s perspective is strongly anti-Catholic.
“THE HISTORY AND MYSTERY OF SECRET SOCIETIES AND SECRET POLITICAL CLUBS (2).” Fraser’s Magazine, 22, no. 128: (August 1840): 243–52.
This article continues from Part 1, discussing the Jacobins and their role in the French Revolution.
“NOTES BY A READER OF HISTORY.” Fraser’s Magazine, 26, no. 155: (November 1842): 553–65.
Forty-two notes commenting on various historical events, beginning with the Thirty Years war (1618-48) and ending with a discussion of the king of Prussia. Other subjects include the Teutonic Knights of Livonia, the war of the Romans and the 17th century civil war.
Wilmott, Robert Eldrdge Aris.“Arnold and Smyth on Modern History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 26, no. 156: (December 1842): [632]-646.
Reviews volumes of lectures by Thomas Arnold at Oxford and William Smyth at Cambridge. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Arnold’s Lectures on Modern History (3rd Ed).” Fraser’s Magazine, 33, no. 197: (May 1846): 596–605.
Reviews the 3rd edition of Thomas Arnold’s lectures (published 1845 London: B. Fellowes; first edition 1842).
Lewes, George Henry.“Morell’s History of Modern Philosophy.” Fraser’s Magazine, 34, no. 202: (October 1846): 407–15.
Brief comment on J. D. Morell’s Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“THE HISTORY OF ETRURIA.” Fraser’s Magazine, 34, no. 204: (November 1846): 676–85.
This article reviews the work of Mrs. (Elizabeth Caroline) Hamilton Gray (published Hatchard & Son, 1843-4). She identifies Resen with the ancestors of the Italian Etruscans (Rasenes). Her hypothesis looks at the origins of Etruria and considers questions such as who were their leaders, what inhabitants they found in Italy when they arrived and what did their culture consist of? The author of this article intends to argue against Gray’s hypothesis. To prove this, the author discusses Resen and its connection to the Etruscans, or lack thereof. The article is continued in the December 1846 issue.
“WALTER SCOTT -- HAS HISTORY GAINED BY HIS WRITINGS?” Fraser’s Magazine, 36, no. 213: (September 1847): 345–51.
Article debates the relative merits of history and historical fiction, deciding that history has not gain by Scott’s writings. Although his characters are living and breathing people, their historical truth is not preserved. The author believes that it is impossible for characters of the past to come to the present day and nor can we ever return to the characters of the past.
Redding, Cyrus.“HINTS UPON HISTORY.” Fraser’s Magazine, 36, no. 215: (November 1847): 558–67.
This article states that memoirs and letters are ‘the legs of history.’ The author goes on to ask whether historians have extracted the truth from sources such as memoirs. To prevent further lies occurring in the telling of history, the author provides helpful hints: writers must reflect upon the source in order to extract the truth from it. The memoirs of Nelson, Lady Hamilton, Sir William Hamilton are used to demonstrate the importance of this statement. As well, the author suggests that the scope of history should be enlarged {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“WELD’S HISTORY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY.” Fraser’s Magazine, 38, no. 224: (August 1848): [129]-137.
The reviewer thinks that Charles Richard Weld’s book is much needed (published J. W. Parker 1848).
Kirwan, Andrew Valentine.“History of French Journals, and Biography of French Journalists.” Fraser’s Magazine, 43, no. 255: (March 1851): 350–66.
Author is Edmond Texier; title is Histoire des Journeaux. Biographie des Journalists, contenant l’Histoire, politique, literaire, industrielle, pittoresque, et anecedotique, de chaque Journal publie a Paris, et la Biographie de ses Redacteurs. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Palgrave’s History of Normandy and of England. Vol 1.” Fraser’s Magazine, 44, no. 259: (July 1851): 1–18.
Laudatory review of Francis Palgrave’s first volume (published 1851, J. W. Parker).
Kirwan, Andrew Valentine.“History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France.” Fraser’s Magazine, 44, no. 262: (October 1851): [357]-370.
Review of a two-volume work by Alphonse de Lamartine (translation published by Vizitelly, 1851) {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Wenckstern, Otto von.“History of the Hungarian War.” Fraser’s Magazine, 44, no. 264: (November 1851): 695–704.
First of 8-part series of chapters comprising Wenckstern’s War in Hungary, which appear from November 1851 to June 1852 (later published in book form by J. W. Parker 1859). {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Froude, James Anthony.“King Alfred.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 45, JANUARY 1852: (January 1852): 74–87.
Review of Reinhold Pauli’s 1851 book written in German. Apart from a number of quibbles about Pauli’s use of sources, Froude admires the book, but most of the essay is in praise of Alfred. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“MODERN HISTORY, AND OTHER MATTERS, AT CAMBRIDGE.” Fraser’s Magazine, 45, no. 266: (February 1852): 170–82.
This article discusses lectures given by Sir James Stephen and other professors at Cambridge and how scientific methods, including moral science can be applied to history. J. S. Mill’s views on historical science are mentioned.
“The History of the Whig Ministry of 1830 to the Passing of the Reform Bill.” Fraser’s Magazine, 45, no. 267: (March 1852): [247]-262.
Reviewer comments on how unusual it is for John Arthur Roebuck to write a contemporary history (2 volume work published J. W. Parker 1852).
Kirwan, Andrew Valentine.“THIERS’ HISTORY OF THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE, AND ITS APPLICABILITY TO COMING EVENTS.” Fraser’s Magazine, 45, no. 270: (June 1852): [605]-623.
This article discusses the writings of Adolphe Thiers, including his representation of Napoleon, details of Bonaparte’s military tactics and his role as a dictator. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Niebuhr’s Ancient History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 46, no. 276: (December 1852): 672–87.
Author is Reinhold Niebuhr, Ancient History: Comprising Lectures on the History of the Asiatic Nations, the Egyptians, Greeks, Carthaginians, and Macedonians.; translator is L. Schmitz; publisher is Taylor, Walton & Maberley.
“History of the Romans Under the Empire.” Fraser’s Magazine, 47, no. 282: (June 1853): 657–69.
The reviewer observes that Charles Merivale’s style is improving with the third volume, and in the second editions of the first two volumes.
Kemble, John Mitchell.“History of the Prussian Court and Aristocracy, and of the Prussian Diplomacy.” Fraser’s Magazine, 48, no. 283: (July 1853): 59–70.
‘Although full of repetitions and useless detail’, this book has afforded the reviewer ‘much amusement’. Author is Edward Vehse; actual title is Geschichte des Preussischen Hofs and Adels, und der Preussischen Diplomatie (9 vols, 1851). {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Froude, James Anthony.“History of Scotland, from the Revolution to the Extinction of the Last Jacobite Insurrection.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 48, AUGUST 1853: (August 1853): 127–42.
Review of J. H. Burton’s book, 2 volumes, published by Longman. Admires the author’s style and approach, and provides lengthy excerpts and commentary. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Froude, James Anthony.“Morals of Queen Elizabeth (First Paper).” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 48, OCTOBER 1853: (October 1853): 371–87.
First of a 2-part historical essay with comments on the approaches to the subject of W. B. Devereux and Lingard, and references to Harris Nicolas’s edition of the memoirs of Sir Christopher Hatton. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Morals of Queen Elizabeth. Second Article.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 48, NOVEMBER 1853: (November 1853): 489–505.
Continuation of the essay begun in the previous issue, and conclusion that questioning of the Queen’s morality is based on faulty evidence. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers.” Fraser’s Magazine, 48, no. 288: (December 1853): 679–88.
Review of a book on the 1282 event, author is Michele Amari; this edition has an introduction and commentary by Lord Ellesmere (published by Bentley).
“Massey’s History of England.” Fraser’s Magazine, 51, no. 302: (February 1855): [129]-146.
Reviews first volume of William Massey’s work, A History of England during the Reign of George III (published by Parker, 1855), with the observation that England has many fewer historians than France.
Froude, James Anthony.“Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 51, APRIL 1855: (April 1855): 441–54.
Review of a selection of despatches from the Venetian ambassador to England, translated by Rowdon Brown and published by Smith Elder in 1854. Froude comments on the strengths and weaknesses of primary documents for gaining an understanding of the past. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“Niebuhr and Lewis on the Early Roman History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 52, no. 310: (October 1855): 455–69.
Authors are Reinhold Niebuhr and G. Cornewall Lewis; Lewis’s book is An Inquiry into the Credibility of Early Roman History (2 vol. published J. W. Parker), described as ‘a monument of accurate erudition and conscientious investigation.’
“The Early History of Russia.” Fraser’s Magazine, 52, no. 311: (November 1855): 573–87.
Reprint of a 17th-century French memoir by Captain Margeret, edited by Henri Chevreuil; publisher is Williams & Norgate. Title is Estat de l’Empire de Russie et Grand Duche de Moscovie, avec ce qui s’y est passe de plus memorable et tragique, pendant le regne de quatre Empereurs: a scauoir depuis l’an 1590: jusques en l’an 1606, en Septembre.
Kemble, John Mitchell.“Macaulay’s History of England, Vols 3 & 4.” Fraser’s Magazine, 53, no. 314: (February 1856): 147–64.
A respectful review, which also comments on the reception of the first two volumes and the popularity of the work in general. Kemble takes issue with Macaulay on a number of points. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Kemble, John Mitchell.“Pauli’s History of England.” Fraser’s Magazine, 54, no. 324: (December 1856): 665–80.
Review of the German work by Reinhold Pauli; foreword by J.M. Lappenberg. Book published 1853-1855; London edition Williams & Norgate. Discusses the advantage of a foreigner writing English history, especially Pauli who has lived in England many years. Anticipates Pauli’s own translation. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Gleanings from the Record Office (Part I): The Dissolution of the Monasteries.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 55, FEBRUARY 1857: (February 1857): 127–43.
Reflections on historical method and interpretation, followed by the archival evidence for justification of the dissolution. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Russell, Jesse Watts.“Ancient History of Sunbury.” Fraser’s Magazine, 55, no. 328: (April 1857): 471–73.
Re-examines the ancient events at Sunbury using modern knowledge of geographical changes and looking at Caesar’s crossing of the Thames and battles between the British and the Romans. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Gleanings from the Record Office (Part II): Henry the Eighth and Mary Boleyn, 1830-1882.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 55, JUNE 1857: (June 1857): 724–38.
Part 2 of article begun in February 1857 issue. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Jephson, John Mounteney.“Palgrave’s History of Normandy and of England, Vol 2.” Fraser’s Magazine, 56, no. 331: (July 1857): 16–31.
Mixed review of Francis Palgrave’s second volume (published 1857 by J. W. Parker). Jephson notes that ‘of all the various modes of wasting time, to write or read short and comprehensive histories is the most unprofitable’ -- but this does not refer to Palgrave’s work {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Vaughan, Robert Alfred.“Art and History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 56, no. 334: (October 1857): 498–504.
Examines the interconnection of art and history and how they affect each other. Uses specific examples of historical events that had an impact on art and vice versa {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Forbes, James David.“The History of Science; and Some of Its Lessons.” Fraser’s Magazine, 57, no. 339: (March 1858): 283–94.
Author is William Whewell; title is History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time (3rd ed., 3 volumes, published 1857 by J. W. Parker). (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“History of Italian Literature, Rev. Ed.” Fraser’s Magazine, 57, no. 340: (April 1858): 426–39.
Revised and enlarged edition of a work by Paolo Giudici. Review is signed ARB, not identified by Wellesley.
Donne, William Bodham.“Froude’s History of England, Vols 3 & 4.” Fraser’s Magazine, 58, no. 343: (July 1858): 15–32.
Donne admires James Anthony Froude’s ‘manly graces of . . . language’ as well as his research and literary skill, and is relieved to see Henry VIII’s actions exonerated. Publisher is Parker & Son, 1858. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“The Commonplace Book of Richard Hilles.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 58, AUGUST 1858: (August 1858): 127–44.
Selections from a 16th-century manuscript held in the Bodleian. Froude calls for the preparation of a modern edition (which seems never to have been published). (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“The ‘Edinburgh Review’ and Mr. Froude’s History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 58, no. 345: (September 1858): 359–78.
Froude responds to criticism of an Edinburgh reviewer (identified by Wellesley Index as Goldwin Smith) about his work on Henry VIII. He evaluates specific facts and portions of the work that were harshly attacked and explains them further in an attempt to counter the reviewer’s comments. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Peacock, Thomas Love.“Mueller and Donaldson’s History of Greek Literature.” Fraser’s Magazine, 59, no. 351: (March 1859): 357–77.
A balanced review of this three-volume work initiated by J. M. Donaldson in 1858 and continued by K. O. Mueller after his death; published J. W. Parker 1858. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“Bacon’s History of King Henry the Seventh.” Fraser’s Magazine, 59, no. 354: (June 1859): 697–709.
New edition of Francis Bacon’s 1622 work, The History of the reign of King Henry the Seventh; edited by Spedding, Ellis and Heath, published by Longman 1859. Reviewer urges the reader not to be content with excerpts, and notes that even Jane Austen would have regarded this as amusing history.
Russell, Jesse Watts.“Early History of the Isle of Thanet.” Fraser’s Magazine, 59, no. 354: (June 1859): 673–78.
Discusses the history of the Isle of Thanet, including the origin of its name and references in historical literature {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Alison’s ‘History of Europe from 1815 to 1852.’” Fraser’s Magazine, 60, no. 356: (August 1859): 211–26.
First section of a scathing 3-part review of Archibald Alison’s work (8 vols, published Blackwood & Son 1854-1859). Continued in November 1859 and November 1860.
“Alison’s ‘History of Europe from 1815 to 1852.’” Fraser’s Magazine, 60, no. 359: (November 1859): 603–20.
Second part of this scathing review, castigating Archibald Alison for partisanship and poor scholarship. This and third are signed ‘Topaze’ but Wellesley Index lists it as anonymous.
“Revolutions in English History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 61, no. 364: (April 1860): 485–500.
Reviewer values the condensed nature of Robert Vaughan’s first volume, Revolutions of Race, published by J. W. Parker, 1859.
Donne, William Bodham.“Froude’s History of the Reigns of Edward VI and Mary.” Fraser’s Magazine, 62, no. 367: (July 1860): 1–17.
Author is James Anthony Froude; under review are volumes 5 and 6 of his History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Alison’s ‘History of Europe from 1815 to 1852.’” Fraser’s Magazine, 62, no. 371: (November 1860): 660–78.
Completion of Frasers’ three-part article on this subject. Signed ‘Topaze’ but listed by Wellesley Index as anonymous.
Froude, James Anthony.“Queen Elizabeth, Lord Robert Dudley, and Amy Robsart; a Story from the Archives of Simancas.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 63, JUNE 1861: (June 1861): 659–69.
This article is written while Froude is editor of Fraser’s. Explains the importance of diplomatic correspondence to historical research and interpretation. Continued in the August issue. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“A Few More Words from the Archives of Simancas.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 64, AUGUST 1861: (August 1861): 135–50.
Continuation of the article of June 1861, providing material from further research among the documents. Refers to criticism in Saturday Review. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“Parish Registers: Their History and Contents.” Fraser’s Magazine, 64, no. 381: (September 1861): 357–65.
Examines parish registers from the 16th century until the 18th century looking at their content and usefulness as a historical source.
Morris, William O’Connor.“Irish History and Irish Character.” Fraser’s Magazine, 64, no. 383: (November 1861): 644–58.
Morris notes that Goldwin Smith’s book (published J. W. Parker 1861) is not really a history, but rather ‘a sketch of the leading causes and influences which have fashioned Irish national life’. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Santa Teresa; a Psychological Study.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 65, JANUARY 1862: (January 1862): 59–74.
Article about a 16th-century Spanish nun, writer of the Counter-Reformation. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
“Science of History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 65, no. 389: (May 1862): 651–60.
Examines how history can be viewed as a science by looking at how the discipline involves provable theories and hypotheses; discusses what history can offer in terms of predicting the future and learning from the past.
Barnes, William.“On the Credibility of Old Song-History and Tradition.” Fraser’s Magazine, 68, no. 405: (September 1863): 394–401.
Discusses the use and validity of song as a historical source and the scrutiny of this type of source. Looks at specific songs that can shed light on the history of various countries (those of Romans, Celts, Persians, Welsh, Gauls, etc). {attribution Wellesley Index}.
“An Episode in the Modern History of the English Church.” Fraser’s Magazine, 68, no. 408: (December 1863): 746–53.
Discusses the 1771 House of Commons session when the clergy challenged their impeded liberation. Discusses the years and individual influence that led up the session and the events that transpired afterwards.
“Revolutions in English History, Vol. 3.” Fraser’s Magazine, 69, no. 410: (February 1864): 199–212.
Reviewer (signed ’K’) commends Robert Vaughan’s third volume, published by Longmans, 1863.
“Mr. Gardiner’s History of James I.” Fraser’s Magazine, 69, no. 412: (April 1864): 419–34.
Refers to Samuel Rawson Gardiner’s earlier discovery of manuscript materials and edition prepared for the Camden Society. Finds considerable fault with the author’s interpretations. Published in 2 volumes by Hurst & Blackett.
Ottley, Henry.“Notes on Diplomacy and Diplomatic History,.” Fraser’s Magazine, 70, no. 416: (August 1864): [135]-157.
First of a 4-part article, expounding on the role of diplomacy in international relations with both contemporary and historical examples. Continued in September and December 1864. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Ottley, Henry.“Notes on Diplomacy and Diplomatic History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 70, no. 417: (September 1864): 331–50.
Continuation of the 4-part article initiated in August 1864 issue.
Ottley, Henry.“Notes on Diplomacy and Diplomatic History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 70, no. 418: (October 1864): 482–505.
Third part of article initiated in the August issue.
Stephen, James Fitzjames (Sir).“Kaye’s History of the Indian Mutiny (Vol. 1).” Fraser’s Magazine, 70, no. 420: (December 1864): 757–74.
Although lengthy, John William Kaye’s work is described as attractive and ‘not tedious’; title is A History of the Sepoy War in India 1857-1858 (first of an anticipated 3 vol., published Allen & Co, 1864) {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Ottley, Henry.“Notes on Diplomacy and Diplomatic History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 70, no. 420: (December 1864): 781–97.
Conclusion of 4-part article initiated in August 1864 issue.
Froude, James Anthony.“How Ireland Was Governed in the Sixteenth Century.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 71, MARCH 1865: (March 1865): 312–15.
Article about a 1569 letter, written by Sir Henry Sidney, which documented atrocities in Irish uprisings against English rule. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Rose, Henry John.“Stanley’s Jewish History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 74, no. 440: (August 1866): [135]-158.
Review of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley’s Lectures of the History of the Jewish Church )Part I, 2nd ed. 1863 and Part II 1865) expresses concern about the effect of Biblical scholarship upon faith and belief{attribution Wellesley Index}.
“Nisard’s History of French Literature, 3rd Ed.” Fraser’s Magazine, 75, no. 448: (April 1867): 435–47.
Author is Désiré Nisard; title is Histoire de la Litterature francaise.
Froude, James Anthony.“Condition and Prospects of Protestantism.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 77, JANUARY 1868: (January 1868): 56–70.
Begins with contemporary evangelical politics and ends with historical disquisition. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Trollope, Thomas Adolphus.“The Mancinis: An Italian Episode in French History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 78, no. 467: (November 1868): 603–22.
Focuses on the 17th century Mancini family, who came from Italy and lived in France. Focuses mainly on Cardinal Mazarin (Giulio Mazarino, 1602-1661) the chief minister of France and his beautiful and famous nieces. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Stephen, Leslie.“Mr. Lecky’s History of European Morals.” Fraser’s Magazine, 80, no. 477: (September 1869): [273]-284.
This review of W.E.H. Lecky’s History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne (published Longman, 1869) compares the author’s views to those of J. S. Mill {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Froude, James Anthony.“Fresh Evidence about Anne Boleyn, Part 1.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 81 O.S., 1 N.S., JUNE 1870: (June 1870): 731–48.
First of two articles derived from the diplomatic despatches of Eustace Chapuys and other materials discovered in the newly opened Austrian archives at Vienna. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Fresh Evidence about Anne Boleyn, Part 2.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 82 O.S., 2 N.S., JULY 1870: (July 1870): 44–65.
Continuation of article from June 1870 issue. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Hayward, Abraham.“The Personal History of Imperialism in 1870.” Fraser’s Magazine, 2, no. 11: (November 1870): 637–51.
Examines the events during the years in and around 1870 and the reign of the last monarch of France, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873). {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Stuart-Glennie, John Stuart.“Mr. Buckle’s Contribution to the New Philosophy of History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 7, no. 40: (April 1873): 482–99.
The occasion for this article is the publication of Thomas Henry Buckle’s commonplace books and notes. It examines the development of historical theories by examining the views of various scholars. Moves on to evaluate Buckle’s theories and work in detail. {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Knight, Joseph.“Mr. Dixon’s History of Two Queens.” Fraser’s Magazine, 8, no. 44: (August 1873): 212–25.
Review of William Hepworth Dixon’s book on Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn (2 vol., Hurst & Blackett, 1873) notes that the book is more about the European politics of the time than about the queens’ lives. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Whyte-Melville, George John.“Irish Orangeism: Its Past and Its Future.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 88 O.S., 8 N.S., OCTOBER 1873: (October 1873): 399–417.
An article discussing the origins of the Orange movement in the context of present politics. Signed ‘M. or N’ which Wellesley attributes as ‘probably’ George Whyte-Melville. There is an editorial note signed by the editor (J.A. Froude) differentiating the historical from the political content. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Newman, Francis William.“Contrasts of Ancient and Modern History, Part 1.” Fraser’s Magazine, 10, no. 57: (September 1874): 388–98.
First of a 4-part article deploys contrasts in terms of periodization, slavery, serfdom, gender, the contrast between barbarity and civilization, the application of science and land tenure. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Newman, Francis William.“Contrasts of Ancient and Modern History, Part 2.” Fraser’s Magazine, 10, no. 59: (November 1874): 570–84.
Second of 4 parts continues the contrast with the theme of religion. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Newman, Francis William.“Contrasts of Ancient and Modern History, Part 3.” Fraser’s Magazine, 10, no. 60: (December 1874): 749–62.
Third of four parts draws the contrast in terms of forms of government, stressing the virtues of republicanism. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Newman, Francis William.“Contrasts of Ancient and Modern History, Part 4.” Fraser’s Magazine, 11, no. 61: (January 1875): 110–262.
Fourth and final part focuses on the stability of civilizations. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Conder, Francis Roubiliac.“The King Messiah of History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 11, no. 65: (May 1875): 629–41.
Examines the life of Jesus using the early Evangelical Gospels as source. States that even the gospels that are supposed to be the earliest and closest to the time of Jesus are still were not a primary document in the sense that many historians would like; notes that the time frame of many of these gospels is not definitely known. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Wratislaw, Albert Henry.“How History Is Sometimes Written.” Fraser’s Magazine, 12, no. 70: (October 1875): 519–27.
Discusses the effects of censorship on historical writings by looking extensively at the 1830s/40s censorship faced by Czech historian Frantisek Palacky’s History of Bohemia. Looks at what passages Palacky was told to revise as they were thought to be dangerous to the Catholic faith and Palacky’s response to these suggested changes. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Rose, Edward.“Shakespeare and History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 13, no. 77: (May 1876): 546–53.
Draws attention to the role of the history plays in teaching about the English past, and how influential they have been on the writing of history {attribution Wellesley Index}.
Froude, James Anthony.“Lord Macaulay.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 93 O.S., 13 N.S., JUNE 1876: (June 1876): 675–94.
Although not designated as a book review, the occasion of this essay is Trevelyan’s biography of Macaulay. Froude praises the historian’s style and grace, but takes issue with his judgement and methods. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Blind, Karl.“The Russian Imperial Title: A Forgotten Page of History.” Fraser’s Magazine, 13, no. 78: (June 1876): 728–32.
Discusses the history of the use of the title ‘Emperor’ throughout Russian history and in doing so debunks the claim that Peter the Great was the first to use it, rather than ‘Czar’. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Society in Italy in the Last Days of the Roman Republic.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 94 O.S., 14 N.S., AUGUST 1876: (August 1876): 150–62.
Discusses the relationship between the existence of free institutions and of good citizens. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Lucian.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 94 O.S., 14 N.S., OCTOBER 1876: (October 1876): 419–37.
Attempts to rescue Lucian from his reputation as ‘a scoffer and an atheist.’ Includes a translation of one of the dialogues. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Hutchison, John.“Melanchthon: A Chapter in the History of Education.” Fraser’s Magazine, 14, no. 84: (December 1876): 723–35.
Examines the life of German professor and theologian Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) by looking at his education, his teaching career, his influences, the works he created, and his overall impact on the evolution of the educational system. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Rowley, James.“The Writing of History, and the First Twenty-Five Years of Stuart Rule in England.” Fraser’s Magazine, 19, no. 109: (January 1879): 42–54.
The author of this article, a schoolmaster, discusses how history has been studied and presented in the past and how new and upcoming historians can offer a more unbiased, accurate and complete view of the past. Uses the first 25 years of Stuarts’ reign as an example of how historians did not, in the past, study history with a keen eye and an open mind. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Froude, James Anthony.“Cheneys [in Buckinghamshire] and the House of Russell.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 100 O.S., 20 N.S., SEPTEMBER 1879: (September 1879): 360–85.
This article meditates on the history of the Russell family and their house. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Freeman, Edward Augustus.“The Austrian Power.” Fraser’s Magazine, VOLUME 102 O.S., 22 N.S., JULY 1880: (July 1880): 29–47.
The occasion for this article on Austrian history is contemporary political events. (Attribution: Wellesley Index).
Simcox, Edith.“A Turning Point in the History of Cooperation.” Fraser’s Magazine, 0, no. 632: (August 1882): 222–35.
Examines the history of the co-operative movement in England by looking at the effectiveness of co-operatives and the future of co-operative towns. Special attention to Rochdale. {attribution Wellesley Index}.