Alexandra Pospisil (MA) took a course in Intersectional Feminist Digital Humanities: Theoretical, Social, and Material Engagements. Alex appreciated “the opportunity to meet Digital Humanists from a variety of fields and levels of academia”—these included “archivists, librarians, PhD and Masters students.”  Over the course of the week, Alex “learned about many different tools and approaches to digital projects, including a series of principles for Digital Humanities projects” and intersectional issues such as “erasure, accountability, and equitability.” She concludes: “the course helped me to generate many ideas for my own digital projects, especially in terms of ethics, narratives, and the potential for using census data and mapping. I learned a lot, and left with a sense of my mind brimming with potential.”

Applications to attend DHSI 2020 on a CDH-sponsored Tuition Scholarship will be invited in October.