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Toronto Metropolitan University
Centre for Digital Humanities
April Offerings

  • most events are hosted on Zoom and are free and open to all registrants
  • also, check out the workshops hosted by the Collaboratory!
Currently, the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) is between spaces, and will hopefully have a new space in the Library (LIB) by Spring 2023. In the meantime, for Winter 2023 the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) will be holding weekly virtual drop-in sessions on Tuesdays from Noon-1 PM (usually on Zoom). These are intended as casual learning opportunities that bring together the DH community at Toronto Met and beyond.

Join us!

Digital Cultures
Lecture Series

Thursday 13th
10:00–11:00 am EDT

April 13

Queering Digital History: The Pussy Palace Oral History Project.

Elspeth H. Brown (Professor of History and Associate VP Research at the University of Toronto, Mississauga.)

The fourth of four talks in the Winter 2023 interuniversity DH Research Centre Lecture Series on the theme of  “Communities.” Sponsored by the Université de Montréal, the University of Ottawa, the University of Guelph, and Toronto Metropolitan University.

For more information, and to register, visit the CRIHN website.

Poster for Elspeth H. Brown's presentation as part of Digital Humanities Virtual

CDH Virtual


Tuesdays Noon-1 pm EST

Each month, some sessions will be dedicated to a specific theme. Tiny Tools Tour / DH Workbench are explorations of a digital resource or tool for research, creativity, and/or pedagogy. Unarchived is a monthly podcast associated with the Playable Stories Archive focused on discussing storytelling games. The aim of the Digital Lives Exploratory Research Group is to explore the ways we study lives through digital technologies.



Broadcast: April 11

Episode 3: Elden Ring (FromSoftware 2022)

Host: Noah Pedinelli 
Panel: Jeremy Andriano and Alexander Hurezeanu

2022’s Elden Ring is the latest release from legendary Japanese game development studio From Software and the auteur game designer Hidetaka Miyazaki. His creations, from 2009’s Demon Souls through the Dark Souls Trilogy and beyond, are often defined by what is considered to be their punishing difficulty. However, in this episode we discuss whether Elden Ring’s stands out not for its difficult gameplay, but for its unique narrative delivery. 

The player enters the game’s world at a point in time long after the cataclysmic events of the story have already occurred, leaving everything in a state of ruin. The player is free to explore the wreckage, sifting through what is left of the “Lands Between” in an attempt to reconstruct the stories of this world: what happened to bring things to such a state?

Listen to the podcast on April 11th and find out more by visiting the Unarchived Podcast page on Stories in Play.


April 18

Fabuludus 2023 Playable Story Arcade and Awards Ceremony.

Host: Jason Boyd 

From April 11 to April 18, visit the Fabuludus 2023 game jam page to check out the playable stories by students in “Narrative in a Digital Age” (ENG921), then join us on the 18th at noon for a celebration of the playable stories and the presentation of awards!


April 25

Digital Lives: Exploratory Research Group “Networks and Archives.”

Host: Jason Boyd 

Join Jason in a discussion of two digital resources for the study of “collective biography”:

Six Degrees of Francis Bacon
The Vault at Pfaff’s