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X University
Centre for Digital Humanities
February Offerings


Afternoon talk
Thursday 2-4 pm EST

February 10

Indigenous Girlhood: Premiere Screening and Discussion

Presented by: Dr. Megan Scribe

Join us virtually for the world premiere of Indigenous Girlhood: Narratives of Colonial Care in Law and Literature, based on Dr. Megan Scribe’s (Ininiw, Norway House Cree Nation) doctoral research. This four-minute animated short film explores what it means for Indigenous girls to come-of-age in state custody within a settler colonial society, as well as examining the ways these experiences are subsequently narrated in legal and literary forums. This multidisciplinary work invites scholars from across disciplines to establish new linkages between gender, age, and settler domination while also critically reflecting on how these knowledges are disseminated to diverse audiences.

This virtual event will feature a presentation by Dr. Megan Scribe and a panel discussion with the animation team, including Graham Constant (Opaskwayak Cree Nation), Remedial V. Wulfph, and Darla Contois (Grand Rapids Cree Nation). 

View a recording of the Event (with a transcription) click the following link:

In Winter 2022, in place of the drop-in hours it holds at its space in X University Library, the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) will be holding weekly virtual drop-in sessions on Wednesdays from Noon-1 pm (usually on Zoom). These are intended as casual, learning opportunities that bring together the DH community at X University and beyond during COVID-19 restrictions.

Join us!

More About Weekly Themes

Each week in a month will be dedicated to a specific theme. The first week, Stories in Play: Let’s Try, will consist of a led, shared exploration of a work of electronic literature (eLit) or a narrative-driven digital game. Week 2, DH Workbench, will be a led, shared exploration of a digital resource or tool for research and/or pedagogy. Week 3, DH@XU Reads, will be an open discussion of a selected work of DH scholarship, read in advance of the drop-in. The fourth week, Critical Code Studies, will explore how coding/programming can be studied in the humanities.

Join us!

CDH Virtual


Wednesdays Noon-1 pm EST


February 2

Golden Glitch’s Elsinore (2019)

Host: Jason Boyd

Join Jason as he helps Ophelia find a way to prevent her own death and that of others in this time-looping adaptation of Hamlet.


February 9

Glitch Studies Manifestoby Rosa Menkman (2009-2010)

Host: Reg Beatty

Join Reg for a discussion of ‘glitch studies,’ which emphasizes the positive consequences of technical imperfections by showing the new opportunities they facilitate.

Read the manifesto here.


February 16

Creating Hypertexts with Twine

Host: Jason Boyd

Join Jason for an introductory workshop in using Twine 2, a hypertext authoring platform: